Christ Mission Ministries, Epworth, Zimbabwe
SPT has had a long and valuable relationship with a couple of pastors, Necca and Adelaide, in the areas of Epworth and Gweru. Both of these regions are especially impoverished: most kids don’t have shoes for their 7-8 km walk to school; many students never returned to school after COVID (especially young girls who became pregnant); girls are routinely sexually abused; slums are very common; crime is high. As dark as the situation is, both Pastor Necca and Pastor Adelaide have been lights in their communities. Both pastors are working with SPT to create small changes over time that will make a big impact.
Recent project:
In the summer of 2022, SPT funded the construction of a borehole in Epworth to bring clearn water to the area. Epworth is a poverty stricken community with no running water. The people dig shallow wells for water to use for their every day needs and in most cases it is not very clean water. The drilling of this borehole has been welcome as more people can now access clean drinking water.
The borehole water is accessible to the community in the morning and later in the day when the caretaker is available. This orderly conduct is important to preserve the life of the borehole.
Additionally, as more people are beginning to trickle in to fetch the water, it is an opportunity to get to know more people in the community and to minister the Word of God to them.
Continuing Needs:
The long term goal that SPT has for Epworth is the construction of a community center that will be used for a school, Biblical guidance, small business training, and farming. This will have a tremendous impact on the impoverished community.
The next step is to install toilets with running water which will be a great improvement in Epworth as many still use pit latrines and Blair toilets.
There is also a need for a wall to be constructed right round church site.